Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ciena & Lauryn...

Ciena and Lauryn are two of my nieces...

Ciena (Luciena Florence) is the older one... she's 5. Lauryn (Lauryn Jessica) is obviously the younger one... she's turning 2 soon.

I love taking photos of Ciena because she's just soooooo gorgeous! Don't get me wrong...Lauryn is equally gorgeous... it's just that Ciena knows exactly how to pose... Some of my shots of her looks candid, when in fact they were staged poses. She's like Sebastian when they're both in the mood for a photoshoot! hehe

Ciena and Sebastian are best friends and worst enemies! hahaha I guess that's what cousins are like!

Here's a few recent shots that I took of Ciena and Lauryn... They're absolutely gorgeous, aren't they??? :)

I really think Ciena should do modeling for kids clothing or something...  I keep encouraging my sister-in-law to try and get her in... she's a natural!

C'mon Rhoxy!!! Now you have really good photos to show potential modelling agencies! :)

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