Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mark & Cherie Mae

A friend of mine messaged me and told me that one of her friends is getting married in a couple of weeks time and in need of a photographer. The wedding ceremony was to be held at the Melbourne Marriage Registry's Office at 4.30pm on a Friday, and the couple just wanted to have some photos during the simple ceremony with family and then some photos around the area. It was short notice, but I jumped at the opportunity without even blinking! :)

Prior to the wedding, I have never met Mark or Cherie Mae. When they arrived at the ceremony, I shook Mark's hands and congratulated him... He said with a big smile, "Sorry I'm not Mark. I'm his dad!" hehe Ooopss.. I turned around and saw the 'real' Mark. He was very young and very tall! Cherie Mae was behind him... looking very beautiful and elegant. They truly make a very lovely couple!

The ceremony began as soon as everybody arrived and was over in literally 10 minutes... It was short...... but really sweet!!! :)

The Registry's Office is right next to the beautiful Fitzroy Gardens which was perfect! The weather was a different story though. A thunderstorm was about to hit... and to cut a long story short, heavy rain fell from the sky as soon as I took the last shot! What an awesome afternoon! :)

To Mark and Cherie Mae... CONGRATULATIONS!  Thank you for giving me the opportunity to capture one of the best moments of your life together. I wish you all the best!

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