Monday, March 7, 2011

Alvarez Family

Had a photoshoot yesterday afternoon with the Alvarez family. The Alvarez family are a close family friends of ours... and we've been wanting to do a photoshoot for a while now... It finally happened! :)

Archie & Ednalyn have one son... Miguel and one daughter... Victoria. There's a cool story behind how Miguel and Victoria got their names... but it's story not for me to tell! hehehe I'll just keep you guessing!

It was quite a hot day... and very sunny! Miguel and Victoria we're quite bothered by the sun... so we had to bribe them with ice cream! Worked like a treat! Even I got some ice cream at the end! Thanks Archie & Ednalyn for that yummy "New York Chunky Chocolate" ice cream on a waffle cone!

The Alvarez family is a very close family... What I mean by this is that they are very affectionate towards one another... It starts between Archie and Ednalyn... down to their kids. Miguel really acts as the 'big brother' and you can tell how much he loves his younger sister. The same goes with Victoria. You can tell that she looks up to her big brother.

After having a quick photoshoot, we decided to have a quick dinner with my family and the Alvarez family. We thought that by the time we finished dinner... the sun wouldn't be as strong... then we can continue with the photoshoot before the sun goes down.

Ahhh... time went passed too quickly! Next thing we knew... it was getting 'real dark. Archie wanted me to take a photo of his car (Mercedez Kompressor). So we did this very quickly! I could hardly see the car by this time... but my camera could still see it clearly! A hundred mosquitoes came out of nowhere... CLICK CLICK CLICK! We we're out of there!!! hahaha

What a day! :) I hope you enjoy some of the shots from that afternoon...

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