Monday, December 6, 2010

Carmencita's 50th

It was such an honour... and pleasure... to have met Carmencita (or 'Tita Carmen' as we call her) and have the privilege to be her photographer on the night she celebrated her 50th birthday. It was such a beautiful night... with lots of specially choreographed dance numbers as part of the celebration. Tita Carmen danced so gracefully she would put any teenagers to shame... she's got the moves! :) There were lots of beautiful speeches about Tita Carmen from families and friends which proves how truly amazing she is.

Unbeknown to many of you who might read this blog... Tita Carmen is the mother of a very popular and very beautiful Filipina-Australian actress "Anne Curtis" in the Philippines (blue dress). Her other daughter "Jasmin Curtis-Smith" is equally stunning and is now beginning to follow her older sister's footsteps (yellow dress). I must say though... that all of Anne's and Jasmin's talent and beauty... all came from this amazing woman.

On the night of her birthday... Tita Carmen was definitely the star! :)

Here are just some of the photos I wanted to share...  :)


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