Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dee + Mak

Dee + Mak

Dee... she's a very good friend of mine... I've known her for about 7 years now since we started working at the same company back in 2003.

Dee is an absolutely wonderful person... What you see is what you get... Totally down-to-earth... There is nothing about Dee to dislike... :)

The whole time I've known Dee... I would always tease her about finding a boyfriend... getting married... etc... But she would always say... "Until I meet the right guy... it will probably be a while."

It's funny how everything turned out though... Because now, Dee is with Mak... And Mak... had always been Dee's friend since 2002! So he's always been there all along! :)

Anyway, how it all happened is not a story for me to tell... However, I can tell you this much... Dee and Mak are just perfect for each other. They have this undeniable chemistry between them... which I believe clearly portrays in the photos below...

There's a quote that says "Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning."

Between Dee and Mak, you can tell that 'Love' isn't just a word... It's a full conversation between their hearts!

It's a shame I won't be able to go to India to attend and photograph their wedding for various personal reasons. It would've been a truly wonderful experience!

But to Dee and Mak, CONGRATULATIONS! I wish the two of you all the best!

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